The very first meeting we had of the Digital Library Steering Committee - we called in somebody from NLB as well - was to try to come up with a definition for what a digital library meant for SMU. In many places digital library started with digitization of internal materials. As I mentioned before, we didn’t have any internal materials to digitize. At Goizueta, I started there in 1994 and by 1995, ‘96, we had started using the internet to deliver our databases to our users. We were very early adaptors of getting information to where people are. It was allowing users to have access wherever they were in “digital” format. After several iterations of the digital library, to us, the entire library is now a digital library. Because even what we do not have in electronic format, you have access to in electronic format. The digital library is the library. It’s the physical space and the virtual space. It matters to users because this is an internet generation and librarians used to -- I hate to use this term – whine that people were not coming into the library, a problem we don’t have because they have no place else to go since there is no student union. But they don’t really have to physically come to the library. They just need to be able to get the resources that that they need and not have to search through one million hits on Google to get what they need in a format that’s understandable to them and an interface that they are familiar with wherever they are. That’s what we’re trying to do when we purchased what we called our discovery tools, which is one piece of the digital library.
From the backend side, when I was talking about all the different things that we originally did like ordering books and processing books and checking in periodicals, now everything is done electronically. We order books directly from a major book vendor in the US, electronically and they get our order and they do everything that NLB used to do and the books are shipped to us, shelf-ready from the US, just as they were shipped to us from Changi where NLB has its place. Everything is now managed through this backend electronic system that people don’t see which is unfortunate.
From the users’ perspective, libraries were one of the first adaptors of technology. In my very first public library job which was in the early 1970s, we started using electronic cataloguing, shared cataloguing from OCLC which is a company that still exists and old terminals that were these standalone CRT terminals. We have been using digital ways of sharing information well before many, many other industries even thought about it. So it’s something we really always been doing. Because we were doing it for so long, we just took our existing practices and put them into electronic format. And nobody ever was happy with the card catalogue. [Access to] books used to be in these drawers of card catalogues and you could only find them by author’s last name if you happened to know it or title or subject if you happened to think in terms of what a subject heading would be, which is not how individuals speak at all. Even when we put up our first electronic catalogues, they really weren’t speaking to our users. Now if you look at our discovery platform, PYXIS, it’s a Google box and you can type in anything and it is like searching Google but you hopefully don’t get a million hits. You can’t, we don’t have that many materials. Ideally as it becomes more sophisticated and they really have been improving this every few months - we are getting a new iteration in another month or two - it starts searching across things. So it searches the books that we own and it searches for everything that is in our repository and it searches for the Research Guides that the Research Librarians have created and it will be searching for articles but right now you just click and you can search for articles or you can just click a tab and search for the journals that we have access to. Ideally, we are looking for this one box where you don’t need to know because when you’re doing research, you don’t care, right? You don’t care if it is a book or a journal or a research guide or an authoritative website if it has the information you want. So that’s what we’re aiming for within the digital context.
The “light bulb” went on in terms of the whole library being the digital library in a conversation we had with Woody, and the then Vice President [should be Deputy President] Chin Tiong who was not that much into digital things and he said, “Well, you know, everything is really the digital library at this point.” And that’s when we saw, “Yes, everything that we are doing at this point is a Digital Library.” So we don’t have things to digitize but now we doing our oral history project; [it’s ] access to everything wherever you are.
We had to teach them this is a learning commons and this is the other new trend in libraries. They went from study space to information commons where there were all these computers, and thank goodness we do not have that, to a learning commons where there is active learning going on. The way to do that was to get them to come to the library for something other than just studying.
The other thing is this is the culture where you don’t ask questions because if you go up to an information desk and ask questions, you are admitting you don’t know the answer to something. Librarians are not even respected, so you are not going to go up to somebody who you think knows less than you do and admit that you do not know something. How are we going to get students to start using the library for other purposes and learn to meet the librarians and respect the librarians? The way we have done it is through training. We introduced training through matriculation and after a couple of years, we said it was mandatory and the Registrar now says it’s mandatory.
I had to create a role here. It was not the role I had anticipated because SMU in Singapore is not ready for the role librarians are now playing in the US and I gather from talking to people in places like Hong Kong, Australia and Europe as well. Libraries have had an up and down relationship with universities over time. When I first actually entered the profession, they were in a downturn and they really were repositories. People came in to study and everything was reactive. With the beginning of electronic resources and I’ve been using electronic resources since the beginning of my career at the end of the 1970s, things started changing because we had new ways of disseminating information. The library has once again taken on a really important role, especially in academic research institutions where university librarians are often deans, they are often vice provosts, they usually sit on senior management councils and make decisions that affect the strategic, research, scholarly directions of the university. I naively thought I was being hired for a senior management position and it didn’t take me long to figure out when I got here that that was not what they understood the position to be at all.
One of the things I was expected to do and have been vigorously doing and actually Paolina [Paolina Martin] in her role as Institutional Repository Director helps a lot this way as well, is to integrate the library in the scholarly direction of the university because this is the role that it is playing within the US - very active in scholarly space. A lot of it came about with digitization because they started digitizing special collections. We don’t have any special collections so we had to look at it in a different way, partnerships with faculty; much more respect for librarians; hiring librarians with two Master degrees, not just one Masters degree. We were hiring people with subject specialties, Masters in their subject area so that they could speak to faculty in the language of the faculty. The role is quite different then what people see. One thing I don’t have to do, thank goodness, is that university librarians in the US are now asked to be doing fundraising and the unexpected consequence is that when people are leaving some of these high profile jobs, they are having problems filling them because librarians really don’t want to do fundraising. That’s not within our natural scope. However, marketing is extremely important and one of the things that we’ve been doing here is being extremely proactive, going out knocking on doors just like a salesperson which has impact on the kind of people we can then hire as well.
Service, personalisation, training, trust.
My role, I usually do change management but in this case it was building. We spent a lot of time building and putting infrastructure in place which I think right now is a very strong infrastructure. We really have gotten the best of what’s out there. We have a very good integrated library management system - world standard - we have got a world standard platform for our repository. We have most of the databases that we need. We don’t need change management at this time but we need more building on the infrastructure.
It was very easy for me when I came in. Anything I did was going to look better than what we had. It was easy relative to the faculty, not so much the students because the students don’t know what to expect. But the faculty are the people who are here on an ongoing basis and the deans. It was easy to put things in place that either were what they were used to or in the case of some of them, it was things they hadn’t even seen where they came from. Now we’ve got to take the infrastructure and go a step further, see what else is out there, what else can we be doing that is new. This is where the whole data issue comes in, that we really need to be in the data space. Archives, not very interesting but extremely important. A lot of libraries are involved in archives [and we] have to get into the archives business. [We] need somebody who is going to be looking around seeing what other services [are needed]. Consortia - there is no cooperation here. We have got to be pushing more and more for cooperation. There are two new universities coming along. I have been talking to them about library services. Unfortunately I’m leaving and can’t continue. I have some vendors interested. This is another area for growth and it doesn’t only have to be within Singapore. How can we have relationships with libraries outside of Singapore, consortial relationships? It should be just as exciting for the person who follows me because there is so much to do. It will be a little more difficult because whatever is done won’t be quite as obvious quite so quickly.
We are not going to build a large collection. It made absolutely no sense to build a large collection. From day one, we had to look at different models of providing services to our users. We couldn’t send them to the stacks. We had to look at things in a different way. Libraries all over are now moving more and more toward electronic access. In the US, these large legacy libraries have taken the majority of their collections and put them into offsite storage. People are not using the older books. They certainly are not using the older run of journals.
The model has to be different. One of the things I learned at Goizueta when I got there and had to set up a library was it had a lousy collection but we were just on the verge of being able to introduce things electronically. My answer has always been service. Good service can trump a good collection. Faculty do not have to know what they do not have as long as you can get things to them. I think where we differ most is our really heavy commitment to service.
Ruth A Pagell served as SMU’s first University Librarian from June 2005 until February 2011. During her time at SMU she led the effort to create a 21st century academic library recognised for enabling university research and teaching. She oversaw the implementation of the digital library (PYXIS) and the institutional repository (InK), and the development of the oral history site. After leaving SMU in February 2011, she moved to Hawaii and is presently adjunct faculty, Library and Information Science Programme at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Her academic library career began in 1978 at Drexel University (USA). In 1981, she moved across the street to work at the Lippincott Library of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, rising to the rank of associate director. In 1994, she joined Emory University as executive director of the Goizueta Business Library. In 2005, in her final year at Emory, Ruth Pagell also acted as coordinator of Emory Libraries’ executive strategy group.
From 1988 to 1989, Ruth Pagell was seconded by the American Library Association and the then United States Information Agency to work at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand, to raise awareness of new library possibilities for AIT and the Thai library community.
Ruth Pagell has published numerous articles on business research and library issues. With Michael Halperin, she published two editions of “International Business Information: How to Find It, How to Use It" (1994, 1997). She has taught graduate courses for Drexel's College of Information Studies, School of Library and Information Studies at Clark Atlanta University, The Wharton Evening School, and the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information at Nanyang Technological University. She has taught short courses in business research around the world.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and psychology from Tufts University (USA) and a master in library science and MBA from Drexel University (USA).