Well, now we hear from the government specifically the Minister Ye Kung [Ong Ye Kung] education minister in charge of higher education, that talks about interest and passion, about the importance of not looking at just academic grades. You also hear that from the other Minister of Education that looks at schools. And everybody is saying that actually even parents also say that. They don’t want their child to be just focused on academic grades and all but the system seems to suggest in Singapore system about the importance of it and why, that’s because the structure is still, there seems to be a unidimensional definition of success, which is oh you need to have either money or be smart intellectually with a paper degree. I think moving forward, that will change.
It’s not whether it should change but I think it will change because skills of all sorts, and other than paper qualifications become very important. And I would hope that all SMU students, in fact students of all universities in Singapore really realize that much earlier. And not only when they enter into the real world and realize that oh actually these are the skillsets that are required and the universities didn’t teach me that. I think students should not wait for the universities to teach you those so-called work-relevant skills. If there are opportunities there, but the students must take the initiative, and ask ourselves, and say well grades are important but it’s not the only important thing and may not be the most important thing. SMU provide the opportunity to do many non-academic stuff, right from day one, and I think when students in SMU are in that environment, you really need to make full use of it.
I’ve been telling our students, because I have regular lunch with a smaller group of students and they always ask me that question, “Professor, given your— they don’t say, given your age—they say given your experience what do you have to tell us?” And my answer is a university education is something that we build together. A university offers opportunities. A student has to take some of the opportunities but also shape those opportunities in what he or she wants to do with it. We’re not a restaurant where you sit and you see a buffet and you can just take and eat. We are more a restaurant where you still have to do a bit of the cooking yourself, where you have to shape your own education yourself.
And so my advice to students has always been three-fold. First of all, we are not a cookie-cutter training machine that will turn out or churn out identical students every year. But what we are is an environment in which there are lots of opportunities, there’re probably too many opportunities, and you will have to make trade-offs, but choose those things that you feel make a good education for yourself.
Secondly, I tell students that my personal experience is that my student years were the years where I could experiment with leadership on a very small scale—in the clubs or the political organisations I was in as a student. You can make mistakes, you can experiment, you can simulate what leadership, taking on responsibility, really means. And when I look back—and of course I have evolved a lot over the years in the way I look at the world, the way I look at organisations, I’ve gotten a totally different perspective by being a president obviously again—but fundamentally some of the values I have about leadership go back to the time I was at university when I could try out things. So that’s my second advice, that is make sure that if you are four years at this university, that you grab the opportunity to hone, maybe honing is too strong, but at least to develop a little bit your leadership skills. Try out what your style of leadership could be. So that’s my second advice.
The third advice is undergraduate education is not preparation for a job—even professional schools like the law school or the accounting school, where yes, you go into a particular profession—it is still to a large extent the preparation that opens up your mind, that creates options for you, that enables you to do many different things. I studied engineering and yet I am not in a job that is an engineering job. But I still think when I was studying engineering, I had a very broad view of what I wanted to do, and the engineering studies I did—I saw it more as an opportunity to create options for myself.
So that’s the advice I would give to students. That is, education is something you make yourself, and there will be trade-offs to be made. You can’t do everything here and don’t be worried about it. We offer you opportunities, build your own education. Two, it’s an opportunity to hone your leadership skills, and three, see an undergraduate education as broadening your options, not as narrowing yourself down to one particular job.
After I left administration, I went into teaching and surprisingly I managed to survive quite well. So we have student evaluations and I am only entitled to be considered for an award after three years. So the first three years, I got the best teaching, teacher’s award and then subsequently I got to stop for one year because I must give another person a chance. Subsequently I won again. Give another person a chance, I won again. So I won three. It was very gratifying. So after winning three, they put me into so called ‘The Hall of Fame’, teaching fame. So I haven’t seen my hall of fame yet. So yah, I think that’s good, the students appreciated it.
Sure, I think that whatever you do, whatever you do, do the best, do your best, you give your best and people will appreciate it. It take time sometimes but people will appreciate that you did your best and I always tell my students also and I say, “Wherever you are, do the best you can.” Okay, because if you don’t, people will know. Do your best, even if you’re not very good at it, but people know that you have given your best. Nobody will blame you. Sometimes people are so clever but they are not going to do their best. It’s not appreciated. So I want to bless my students, which runs in the thousands, okay, all over the world that they will continue to do well. Be proud of themselves and be proud of their country, okay.
I am actually very impressed by SMU students, and I see that our students are, in a way, they have some attributes that we our faculty do not have, because they have gone through this system which we didn’t go through. So actually we don’t realise it but they’re actually quite different from us and in some area, some ways, better than us. I mean, I’m impressed by their degree of enterprise and the daring to do new things. I mean I meet some of my students during the long vacation in May, June. I talk to them after they’ve come back, and the typical student has gone to two different countries, to do attachment, to do community project, et cetera. And you know they are so plugged in to life and new things. And I’m also very impressed by the fact that many of them are considering business ventures, something that is not commonly seen in Singapore. So many of them, even fresh out of university, some before going out of university. I mean, I have a friend whose son is in the business school and he runs a limousine service. He’s got this big limousine. (some laughter) And he’s a business student in his, now I think, third year. That’s quite incredible.
My advice to SMU students is to just do more of what they’ve been doing. I also know that their university life is very hectic. You know, the typical term schedule is very tight, you got presentations, you got assignments. And some of them, the day before the assignment they don’t sleep. Alright, so it is hectic, it is stressful, but it is also very interesting to hear the response. I was just talking to a friend who’s a lawyer and he told me that the daughter is in SMU’s law school, second year. I asked, “How is it?” He said, “She says it’s very good, it’s very hectic but she loves it.” So I am quite fascinated. It’ll be good to analyse why on earth they like the SMU experience, yeah. And I believe that the education they go through in SMU is very valuable and it puts them in very good stead to survive and to excel in the world out there.
I think students wanting to come to SMU should come with the intention that they are going to be transformed. When I look at the students coming for admission interviews and then I see them starting the term and so on, and then I look at them as they graduate, the ones that truly succeed are the ones who allow themselves to be transformed by our system, meaning that when they come in they must come in wanting to change and be a different person. During admission interviews, I hear students say that, “SMU encourages students to speak up, I know this is something useful because when I go out to work, employers expect me to be able to speak up,” and so on but some of them say that throughout the years in the university, they don’t try to change.
And some of them graduate not much different from the person they were when they came in. And these are the ones who I feel; we have not value added as much. But to those who are really open and those who take advantage of the opportunities that are in SMU, and the opportunities are really tremendous you know, those who take advantage of the opportunities to develop their own leadership qualities, the ones that develop their own presentation skills, develop their own sense of professionalism and so on, these are the ones who will truly succeed, after they leave SMU. The opportunities are here in SMU. What is needed is for the students to be willing and to want to reach out and grab hold of these opportunities.
It's not about setting your career with what you study. That's one of the reasons SMU is so important. It’s got the four-year undergraduate programme, it’s the North American proposition that you take those four years to learn a lot, settle down, and then decide what your first major area of professional endeavour is going to be. But remember, that’s probably only the first. By the time you finish you’ll have been through any number of things. I guess what I’ll be saying to students is yes, it's great that you got the energy and that you want to be moving as fast as you are, but sometimes you’re best to just simply pause and to think about what is it you’re doing and to take some time off. A gap year is not something that you only do up between high school and university, because there’s a long working life out there that you’ve got to look forward to.
I suppose my key advice is don't waste your time here, that there are lots and lots of opportunities. And yes, you want to achieve everything you can in your studies, and we want you to excel in your studies and achieve the highest grade degree you can. But at the same time, as a University, we offer a broader education as I said, that more holistic approach to education, and whilst I appreciate every student needs to achieve an appropriate balance for them, I would very much hope that they explore the co-curricular side of the education at SMU and excel in that as well as excelling in their academic studies. So, I would encourage them whether they are a new student coming to the University or they are senior student to always think about that balance and not to get too over balanced on one or the other.
Dare to dream. Dare to dream. Very often, we think because we have to do all these things—that maybe many men have less responsibility for—we won’t be able to juggle it, so let’s not try. Very often we think there are all these more senior people—by age if not by experience—let me not put my hand up for something. And even if called upon, maybe I shouldn’t say yes. Very often I think we actually can do more than we think we can. I am not suggesting that we bite off more than we can chew, but actually when it comes down to it, we can chew and we can swallow too. And sometimes we are a little bit more reticent than we need to be.
If it is possible to have a mentor, somebody that you can speak with, to learn from and with, it really does help. I don’t think we have enough women role models in senior positions, and if we did have senior women, sometimes these are not people who spend time with younger people. I think that part of the responsibility of being a woman in a senior position is to try and give time to younger women.
Advice, for our alumni, yes, it’s what I always say to the students when they come for the sandwich lunches. Very often, they sort of ask, one way or another, the question whether I planned to be president of a university in Singapore by the time I graduated from my engineering studies. And I always have to tell them, I never wanted to work in academia, and when I graduated in 1976 as engineer, I don’t think I really knew where Singapore was. So, when I look at my own career, it’s more one of grasping opportunities. Saying yes sometimes before you’re fully ready to take on a new job. But, yes, be adaptable, continue to learn, continue to inform yourself and grasp the opportunities. And in particular, do what you like to do—that’s my only advice.
This advice for new students is something that I have been trotting out in the last three years, that as Provost I have had the occasion to use with prospective students. Every year around admissions season, I will address groups of students, and I will talk to them about how to choose your university. Of course, I could stand there and say, of course, you have to choose SMU, but it wouldn’t be fair, nor would it be right. I speak to students about knowing yourself, knowing your learning style, what you are comfortable with, what you want out of life, what you want to do in life, not just as a career, but how you want to contribute and make your life meaningful, and finding that environment that supports you and develops you that way.
I have said to prospective students if you really believe in the power of the word, if you really believe that communication, persuasion of ideas is something that you have great strengths in and you would like to grow that, think about SMU, because we are that kind of place that focuses on that, develops that and so forth. But I have also said to students, if you think that is important but it is not your strength at all, think of coming here because we will help you develop that aspect of you. If you are looking for an environment where you want to be deeply interactive, you are the sort of individual who learns through the cut and thrust of debate and discussion in the classroom, outside of classroom, with your friends and so forth as opposed to sitting by yourself and reading the material, then SMU is the place for you. But if you are deeply uncomfortable with engagement, and you learn much better because you have the quiet of your own time going through the material again and again and again, and you think that that’s okay and what will stand you in good stead, then maybe a different environment works for you.
If you are interested in interdisciplinarity—being able to take courses across schools, across disciplines, because you believe that is what the world requires—SMU offers you a very good chance, maybe a better chance than other institutions, because again, we are relatively small and criss-crossing campus is entirely possible, even easy, as opposed to multi-campus complexes, where it is a challenge. For prospective students, I try and guide them to discover a little bit about themselves and to find a good fit.
For current students who are already enrolled, please, please make the best of all the opportunities available to you. There are just so many opportunities on campus that are outside the classroom. Growth at SMU is holistic growth, it is holistic development. It is well-roundedness and so many things that you will learn and you will remember and cherish by way of memories, will not just be in the classroom. They will be the freshman orientation camps that you were part of organizing. It will be the community service trip that you made to Myanmar. It will be the internship where you were, excuse the language, scared shit because you have never been in that environment. There are so many opportunities that SMU offers. Avail yourself of them.
I love being at SMU. It is a grand opportunity that has been offered to me. I am very grateful for my colleagues who have been very supportive, and very proud of our students.